"You work a lot. You have some money, algo dinero. Maybe some beautiful women. But then they leave you, for somebody more handsome, with more dinero than you. When you end up in jail, the ones on the outside, who think they're clean, will insult you, but you will have ruled. They'll hate you, but you'll have bought yourself everything good in life, everything you wanted. You'll have the organisation behind you. It might happen that you suffer some, and maybe they'll even kill you. The organisation backs whoever's strongest, obviously. You can climb mountains with rules of the flesh, blood and money. But if you become weak, if you make a mistake, you're fucked. If you do good, you'll be rewarded, If you make a bad alliance; you're fucked; if you make a mistake in war, you're fucked; if you don't know how to hold on to power, you're fucked. But these wars are permitted. They are allowed. They are our wars. You might win and you mig...